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WorkFirst bridges needs of community and contractors

Today, we’d like to share our WorkFirst track record with you.  We have two reasons for doing so; first, we’re proud of the results.  Second, we feel it’s important to illustrate how WorkFirst can positively impact the community in which it’s employed.

Bosgoed Project Consultants Ltd. provides this value-added project management service on each of our projects.  While we can bring all of the management and design teams to any project, WorkFirst has been a differentiator for those Indigenous communities.  BPC has applied WorkFirst over the last several decades on over 130 projects.  As the lowest price General Contractor, we have consistently achieved 80% First Nations content for on-reserve projects.  On those projects, we have filled over 1000 positions with First Nations people, hiring and subcontracting over 400 First Nations people.  As a Project Manager, we have achieved up to 84% First Nations content for an on-reserve projects.  Off reserve, we have achieved up to 40% First Nations people working in construction.  Hiring qualified Band members has been proven to reduce costs. 

We’ve learned that starting early on community capacity and pre-qualifying contractors is key. But it’s not easy.

Our WorkFirst Wednesdays will tell you the stories.

Please tell us your stories of successes and failures and engaging a First Nations workforce.


#BosgoedProjects   #WorkFirstWednesdays    #Indigenous   #IndigenousEducation

#CommunityEngagement   #FirstNations  #employment   #IndigenousPeoples

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