Aboriginal centre of winnipeg
BPC, in association with Mitchell-Kime-Thompson, provided development management of the Aboriginal Centre of Winnipeg, Inc. (ACWI), formerly the CP Rail Station in Winnipeg. The building, consisting of a large rotunda and 80,000 square feet of office space, has been restored and renovated to enhance heritage features and upgraded to code requirements. The building houses the member organizations for the ACWI and other organizations and professionals serving the community. BPC’s responsibilities included project management, tenant coordination, construction project management, grant applications, and the acquisition of funding. Renovations and restoration work were done by an Aboriginal workforce.

The Treaty Four Governance Centre houses many diverse activities within its structure. The overall concept includes a First Nations Keeping House, Chiefs Legislative Assembly, Treaty Four Governance, Multi-Purpose Building, Cafeteria, Gift Shop and Office Complex. Total construction cost is estimated at $13 million. The Centre and surrounding adjacent structures such as the Powwow Arbour are culturally alive with First Nations themes and traditions. The Master Plan for the development contains commercial and recreational buildings including a hotel, interpretive centre, RV park and restaurants. |
The $7M first phase was officially opened in September 2000. The construction was completed by a workforce made up of 65% First Nations people.
BPC was the project Manager for the installation of 310 km of buried fibre optics cable and facilities for Blood Hills Telecommunications, a First Nations owned company. The work involved management, route and crossing drawings, surveying, inspection, as-builts and public relations in Southern Alberta from Coutts to Calgary. This fast track project mobilized two contractors seven weeks after authorization to start the project. The fibre was lit three months after the start of construction.

Saskatchewan reserve gasification
BPC and SaskEnergy entered into a Partnering Agreement in 1993 to provide natural gas to Saskatchewan Indian Reserves. Under this agreement, BPC has provided design-build services for natural gas systems serving over 60 communities. Our services include management, design, surveying, inspection, installation and as-builts. The project has provided employment to hundreds of First Nations people, or 80% of the project delivery.

Sasktel first nations access program
BPC acted as Prime Contractors to SaskTel as they implemented an initiative to provide local telephone access to Saskatchewan Reserves. BPC had a number of subcontractors under their direction during three seasons of installation. In the 1997 season, 28 Reserves were provided telephone services. Our services included management, surveying, inspection, installations, as-builts, and public relations. In 1998 and 1999, telephone access was extended to a total of 36 more communites. Cable installed in the three years totalled almost 1,400 km, and First Nations participation each year was in excess of 80%.
White calf collegiate feasibility study
The White Calf collegiate Feasibility defined the current facility, and identified potential school projects. White Calf Collegiate was assessed in terms of facility needs and financial requirements. Pettick Phillips Architects developed and presented a new concept to the Minister of Indian Affairs. The concept was to provide education in a school of excellence model include student residences and modelling green technology.

Saskatchewan indian federated college
BPC was the Project Coordinator of the $33 million, 129,000 sf Saskatchewan Indian Federated College, completed in 2003. BPC had been a member of the Saskatchewan Indian Federated Colleges’ (now the First Nations University of Canada) building task force since 1992. In that time, BPC has been an active participant in the development of a building concept with the architect, Douglas Cardinal and the task force. We were directly involved in the site analysis and recommended the current proposed site. We were contracted to work with the project working group made up of federal, provincial, college and university representatives. The successful Aboriginal engagement strategy led to the creation of the Saskatchewan Aboriginal Construction Careers Program.

Standing buffalo dakota school addition
BPC acted as Band project Manager for a school addition for the Standing Buffalo Dakota Band completed in 1995. The original school, built in 1981, was expanded due to increased enrolment and program expansion to include Division III students in the reserve school. The expansion included a gymnasium and additional classrooms. Unique features of this building include symbols on the exterior walls highlighting this Dakota community’s history. |
Peguis school project phase 1 & 2
BPC managed the $33M Peguis School project for up to 1200 Nursery to Grade 12 students. The building will replace the existing school originally built in 1958, with its seven subsequent additions. Phase I of the project was the elementary facilities, and phase II includes high school, technical and administrative areas. BPC has worked closely with the Band in negotiating for funding and managing the hiring of consultants and specialists. The school is being built by the Peguis Development Corporation (PDC), with PCL Construction acting as Construction Manager for the Band. |

Norway house school feasibility study
BPC was the Prime Consultant Project Manager for a $32M education project feasibility study, including demolition, renovations and a new school for the Norway House Cree Nation of Manitoba in association with Number 10 Architect and Cochrane Engineering. We reviewed the condition of the three existing schools and completed a school feasibility study to acquire funding. |

all nations healing hospital
Bosgoed Projects was hired by the Fort Qu’Appelle Indian Hospital (FQIH) to analyze four potential sites for a new facility-BPC prepared a comprehensive evaluation report which included a site survey and a Phase I and II Environmental Assessment on one of the sites. |
File hills health centre
Bosgoed Projects managed this joint venture project for five First Nations, represented through the File Hills Agency: Okanese, Peepeekisis, Carry The Kettle, Star Blanket and Little Black Bear. Construction was completed in the summer of 1999 and the facility’s Grand Opening was celebrated in August 1999. An initiative was in place to hire as many Band members as possible by the Contractors hired for the project. |

Manto Sipi Cree Nation Nursing Station
Bosgoed Projects provided Project Management Services for a new $1.5M Nursing Station for the God’s River community. The project consisted of approximately 530 m2 of new construction, renovation of existing clinic area and minor upgrades to residence area. |
Ranch Ehrlo Education Centre
Bosgoed Project Consultants served as Project Managers on the Schaller Education Centre and sewage collection projects. Ranch Ehrio is a court-ordered home and school for children and youth with behaviour challenges. The project consisted of a $2M expansion to the education buildings and gymnasium. The official opening for the facility was February 1998.

Standing Buffalo Lakeview Lodge
BPC provided project management services on a 40 unit personal care home which is located on the Standing Buffalo Dakota First Nation. A sod-turning ceremony for the new facility was held in September 1998. Construction of the care home occurred simultaneous with a water system for the First Nation. The structure was completed in spring 1999 with the Grand Opening in August 1999. Architectural services were provided by Alton Tangedal Architect and the facility was built by Hilderman Construction. An initiative was in place to hire as many Band Members as possible by the Contractors hired for the project.
Standing Buffalo Dakota Lagoon
BPC acted as Band Project Manager for a lagoon on the Standing Buffalo Dakota First Nation. The Band was hauling effluent to the nearby Rural Municipality lagoon, but could no longer do so. Bosgoed Projects was responsible for leading the project management team made up of Band Council members and Indian Affairs staff. BPC managed the project from pre-design and project substantiation through to consultant selection, design, contractor tendering and construction. BPC played an integral role with the Band and Indian Affairs on all components of the project including managing all project monies, Band disbursements and expenses.

Standing Buffalo Water System
BPC has provided project management services for the construction of several water related projects at the Standing Buffalo Dakota First Nation. These project include a high pressure water system which provides water services to all residents and Band owned facilities including the school, care home and Band office building which are located in the valley along Echo Lake. The existing water treatment plant was also expanded and upgraded in 2000. We recently closed tenders on a demineralization plant which will be installed in the treatment plant this year. An initiative is in place to encourage the Contractors to hire as many Band members as possible. |
Standing Buffalo Dakota Lagoon
BPC acted as Band Project Manager for a lagoon on the Standing Buffalo Dakota First Nation. The Band was hauling effluent to the nearby Rural Municipality lagoon, but could no longer do so. Bosgoed Projects was responsible for leading the project management team made up of Band Council members and Indian Affairs staff. BPC managed the project from pre-design and project substantiation through to consultant selection, design, contractor tendering and construction. BPC played an integral role with the Band and Indian Affairs on all components of the project including managing all project monies, Band disbursements and expenses.

Standing Buffalo Water System
BPC has provided project management services for the construction of several water related projects at the Standing Buffalo Dakota First Nation. These project include a high pressure water system which provides water services to all residents and Band owned facilities including the school, care home and Band office building which are located in the valley along Echo Lake. The existing water treatment plant was also expanded and upgraded in 2000. We recently closed tenders on a demineralization plant which will be installed in the treatment plant this year. An initiative is in place to encourage the Contractors to hire as many Band members as possible. |
Treaty Four Campground
As part of the Treaty Four Grounds Reserve Development project, Bosgoed Project Consultants will manage the planning and development of a campground. The Treaty Four First Nations and other projects include a Governance Centre, Powwow Arbour and rodeo grounds. |

Treaty Four Grounds Development
In 1996, BPC was hired as the Project Manager for the development of the Treaty Four Grounds adjacent to Fort Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan. The 255 acre development is expected to include cultural, educational, administrative, government, commercial, residential and recreational activities. The facilities will be for the use of the thirty three Treaty Four First Nations and their members. |
Wakpa Tanka Interpretive Centre
In August 1992, Transcanada Pipelines Ltd. uncovered an ancient campsite along the Assiniboine River while excavating for a natural gas pipeline near Miniota. Manitoba. Archaeologists were hired to examine the site and assess the artifacts, which included stone arrow points, knives, scrapers, clay vessels and personal items. The archaeologists determined the site dated back 700-1000 years and is one of the best preserved sites of its kind in Canada. The Wakpa Tanka Project Was formed to save, preserve and display these artifacts. The Wakpa Tanka Committee is a sub-committee of the Miniota Municipal Museum and is comprised of dedicated volunteers who have been working with consultants, compiling research and data to form a solid business plan. The Committee includes representatives from the Miniota Municipal Museum, the Province of Manitoba, Birdtail Sioux First Nation, the Sioux Valley Dakota Nation and the Canupawakpa Dakota Nation. |

Willow Bunch Historical Village Feasibility Study
Bosgoed Project Consultants is conducting a feasibility study and business Plan for the Willow Bunch Historic Village Committee. The Willow Bunch Trading Post will be an historic village that commemorates the rich history of the community of Willow Bunch and southwestern Saskatchewan. The Trading Post will depict life from 1870-1900 and feature the stories of the Métis, the First Nations, the Francophones and the Northwest Mounted Police in the area. The objectives of the Trading Post are to create tourism, preserve an important part of Saskatchewan history, foster community sustainability through co-operative community support, and provide educational programs for tourists and children. |
Year 2000 Facilities Review
Bosgoed Project Consultants was retained by SaskEnergy to conduct a Year 2000 Building Review of nine high priority, company-owned facilities in the province of Saskatchewan. |
The project consisted of checking twenty four items that might be affected by a computer or microprocessor chip failing due to using a date entry format that did not recognize the year 2000 and other critical dates related to the new millennium. An onsite audit of the buildings was conducted to determine the computer chip related items to be checked. The information compiled in the audits for each of the facilities was used to send letters of compliance to suppliers or manufacturers items. The project culminated with a final report that indicated non-compliant items, non-responsive suppliers, and manufacturers with contingency plans. The report also included possible alterations or corrections for the items identified, as well as the costs of remedial measures.

Treaty Four Powwow Arbour
The Powwow Arbour was the first structure built as part of the Treaty Four Grounds, and was completed for the annual Treaty Four Gathering in 1997. The Powwow Arbour consists of a 30, 000 square foot circular ring structure, with an Announcer’s Booth and spectators stands on a 5 acre site. The primary purpose for the Powwow Arbour is for use during the Treaty Four Gathering, a week long event commemorating the history and heritage of the Treaty Four First Nations. |
Standing Buffalo Health Clinic Addition
Bosgoed Project Consultants were design-build project managers for the Health Clinic addition to the Standing Buffalo Dakota School, near Fort Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan. The addition replaced the clinic which formerly was part of the school. The project was financed by the Band, and the grand opening was May 1, 1998. |

School of Excellence
Bosgoed Projects is acting as project managers for the construction of a School of Excellence for the Star Blanket Cree Nation in Lebret, Saskatchewan. BPC undertook a Feasibility Study to assess the needs of the facility and identified potential school projects. White Calf Collegiate was assessed in terms of facility needs and financial requirements. |
The Star Blanket Cree Nation requested that Bosgoed Projects compile within the feasibility/concept study, a consideration of the needs of the surrounding community which relate to the school’s long term role. BPC are now managers of the redevelopment of the site. Our scope of work includes pursuit of funding for the new school.
SaskEnergy HVAC Modifications
Bosgoed Project Consultants was hired to oversee modifications to the HVAC system at a SaskEnergy, Inc. facility in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. |

SaskEnergy Customer Service Centre
Bosgoed Project Consultants Ltd. partnered with Dominion Construction on this $1.17M new facility in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. The SaskEnergy Service Centre was constructed between May and November 2000, and was completed using 20% fewer work hours than originally projected. Bosgoed Projects provided assistance by working with Dominion Construction to achieve the project goal of 50% aboriginal labour participation. These goals were exceeded, and the aboriginal participation reached 58%. |
Saipoyi School Feasibility Study
Bosgoed Project Consultants Ltd., with sub-consultants Manasc Isaac Architects, prepared a feasibility study to determine if the current Saipoyi School facilities required renovation/modernization and/or an addition, or a new school facility. |

Gaa-bi-mooka-ang (Pine Falls) Sawmill
Bosgoed Projects provided consulting and development management services to the 14 First Nations involved in the Gaa-bi-mooka-ang (Pine Falls) Saw Mill, now called the Tembec Industries Saw Mill. We were asked to explore aboriginal opportunities in the workforce for the project and presented our experiences to the working group. We shared approaches and methods that have worked on other construction projects of which we have been a part, and these experiences were well received by all parties. We work closely with communities to develop a plan on projects like the saw mill to maximize aboriginal involvement and local economic benefits. Aboriginal participation is a key measure of the success of our projects. This starts with community input and includes strategies to maximize First Nation hiring and contracting. We have routinely achieved more than 50% First Nation participation hiring in the construction of our projects without our clients paying a premium and we have directly hired or subcontracted over 400 aboriginal people over the past eight years. |
SICC Keeping House Feasibility Study
BPC leads a team of consultants for the Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre in the feasibility study of an Indian owned and controlled Keeping House near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. The team includes FSC Manasc Architects, HLA Consultants (market research) and C. Cole Associates (museums). The facility will be completely Indian-controlled and is sized for the existing collection and repatriation items from other collections. It will also include the offices of the Cultural Centre and other Indian businesses. |

Phase II Environmental Issues Inventories
Bosgoed Project Consultants conducted a phase II Environmental Issues Inventory for the ten First Nation communities of the Pwi-di-goo-zing Ne-yaa-zhing Tribal Council. The purpose of this project was to document those environmental problems which pose dangers to the environment and to the health and safety of First Nation community members. |
The work entailed a site visit to each of the communities, consultation with the First Nation, verification of known issues and identification of additional issues of concern to the First Nation, limited sampling and analysis, and the provision of a report for each First Nation. Many issues were addressed, including: PCBs, asbestos, water quality, air quality, solid waste disposal sites, sewage systems, fuel storage, and former/present spills.
SICC Keeping House Feasibility Study
BPC leads a team of consultants for the Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre in the feasibility study of an Indian owned and controlled Keeping House near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. The team includes FSC Manasc Architects, HLA Consultants (market research) and C. Cole Associates (museums). The facility will be completely Indian-controlled and is sized for the existing collection and repatriation items from other collections. It will also include the offices of the Cultural Centre and other Indian businesses. |

Peguis Infrastructure and Water Facilities
In conjunction with the Peguis School project, a water treatment plant was built for a fire pump to serve the school and the rest of the community. This project also involved the expansion of the existing sewage lagoon and the development of a subdivision of 25 teacherages requiring water, sewer and telephone services. The upgrading of existing roads was also included in order to meet standards for school bus traffic. |
Native Addiction Council of Manitoba Building Assessment
Bosgoed Projects brought together a team of specialists and co-ordinated a complete building assessment including: architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, roofing and elevator. The assessment identified all required upgrades, code violations and recommended repairs along with cost estimates. Special concerns were fire exits and separations, health requirements and barrier free accessibility as well as structural integrity analysis and required mechanical and electrical upgrades. The facility has been constructed over time with a three-storey west wing built in 1924, a two storey east wing in 1957 and renovations were undertaken in 1984 to convert the facility for the native Addiction Council of Manitoba. Total floor area is 3,875 metres (41,690 sq. Ft.). |

New Dawn Valley Reservoir
Bosgoed Project Consultants was contracted to manage the study and replacement of the water reservoir for the New Dawn Valley Treatment Centre. The existing reservoir site was very near an unstable hillside, requiring the construction of a replacement.
Muscowpetung Water Supply
Bosgoed Project Consultants designed and installed a new water supply and pipeline on a design/build basis for the Muscowpetung First Nation. The existing water system had volume and quality deficiencies. The new works have solved the system problems and BPC continues to advise the Band on further water system improvements. |

Manto Sipi Cree Nation Water and Sewer Project
Bosgoed Project Consultants is providing Project Management Services for a $10M multi-year water and sewer project for the First Nation. The project is currently in the final construction phase. The whole community is now serviced with water and sewer and a new wastewater treatment plant has been constructed. In 1999 an expansion and treatment equipment was added to the water plant. An expanded and upgraded water treatment plant is scheduled for completion in January 2000. |
Muscowpetung Lagoon
Bosgoed Project Consultants acted as Project Manager for a new lagoon, located on the uphill portion of the Muscowpetung reserve, northeast of Regina, Saskatchewan. |

Fort Qu'Appelle Indian Hospital Location Analysis
Bosgoed Projects was hired by the Fort Qu’Appelle Indian Hospital (FQIH) to analyze four potential sites for a new facility-BPC prepared a comprehensive evaluation report which included a site survey and a Phase I and II Environmental Assessment on one of the sites. |
Interlake Gas Cooperative
BPC provided conceptual pipeline design services to Cochrane Engineering Ltd. (Manitoba), in a report submitted to the Interlake Gas Co-op and CentraGas. The document will be central to determining the feasibility and approach of providing natural gas transmission and distribution to the Interlake region in Manitoba.

CTK Plastics Plant Evaluation Study
Bosgoed Project Consultants Ltd. was contracted by Carry The Kettle First Nation to study the possible relocation of the CTK Plastics operation in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. CTK Plastics currently has a 22,186 sq. ft. plant in Moose Jaw which manufactures seventeen plastic bottle products and plastic sheets custom made to suit a variety of thickness, colour, and size specifications. The study was necessitated by the strong desire at Carry The Kettle First Nation for increased employment at the Band-owned business. It was felt that relocating closer to the reserve would improve both opportunities and performance of Band members.
Birdtail Sioux School Phase II
Bosgoed Project Consultants Ltd. Is providing the Project Management Services for the design and construction of Phase 2 of the school project. Birdtail Sioux First Nation, located in southwestern Manitoba approximately 350 kilometres from Winnipeg, with a population of 454, initiated the establishment of an Education Authority Board in 1997. In 1998, the first phase of a new school (K4 to 12 on 8 hectares) was completed. This consisted of 598 sq. m. of space which included a kindergarten, classroom, library_source room, administration area and mechanical/electrical area and some site development and services to accommodate Phase 2. The $3.8M Phase 2 project consists of 1548 sq. m. of school space, remaining site services and site development. Phase 2 includes 5 classrooms, computer classroom, multi-purpose room, Gymnasium and support, science classroom, small group meeting room, staff room and education storage. Design is complete, Regional approval is pending and construction is slated for the summer of 2002, with completion in Fall 2003. |

AgriPlex Slab Inspection
The Blood Tribe Recreation and Parks Department commissioned Bosgoed Project Consultants to conduct an inspection and structural assessment of an existing mezzanine concrete floor slab. |
Norway House Hospital Complex - Facility Assessment
Bosgoed Project Consultants, at the request of Health Canada, undertook an assessment and condition report of the Norway House Hospital Complex at Norway House, Manitoba. The assessment consisted of an on-site inspection of the buildings and site services, identifying code violations, required upgrades and recommended repairs, complete with cost estimates. The original buildings were constructed in 1952 with many additions and upgrades over the years. The inspection included 25 buildings, totalling 7,173 square metres. The assessment team consisted of architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, site/civil and elevator specialists. |