BPC Ventures Into Podcasting

Greetings, everyone! It’s been a while since our last post, and we’re happy to report that our work load has been keeping us busy here at BPC. In addition to the projects on our collective BPC plate, we’ve been cooking up something new as well.

We are pleased to announce our venture into the world of podcasting! On October 9th, we will be launching “Resonance,” which I’ll be hosting. These days, it seems that everyone has a podcast, and we felt that there were many reasons why we should do the same. Primarily, podcasting will provide an opportunity to engage in some interesting conversations with great thinkers and leaders I admire, with a focus on our passions; business, community, and social impact.

As difficult as naming the podcast was, “Resonance” most accurately described why we felt drawn to the idea of podcasting in the first place. Technically, resonance occurs when you find the right frequency which causes something to vibrate at its maximum amplitude. Our goal is to pursue the conversations which create that very reaction and challenge the boundaries of conventional thought.

Additional reasons for venturing into podcasting were personal to me. Over the years, I’ve been fortunate to encounter so many special people who I admire. Since Covid, the way we work has changed here at BPC, and remote meetings have become common for us even though pandemic measures have almost vanished.

With those remote situations, I don’t get the chance to just sit down and talk with these people like I used to; while getting a coffee, during a break, and there’s no follow up in the parking lot. Don’t get me wrong, we’re grateful for the technology that keeps our business running and we appreciate the face-to-face meetings when they do occur. These changes, however, have deeply impacted the social dimensions of BPC. So, it’s our hope that Resonance can restore and foster that personal connection on some level. Our first few guests will include some of my longtime colleagues with fascinating stories to share, as well as other professionals with whom I hope to forge new connections. In looking toward the future, I’m excited to hear about what other people are doing, learn from them, and perhaps offer up our help so they can move forward with greater support. I’m really looking forward to sharing this venture with you all- that is our “why”.

Please stay tuned for notifications of our first season on social media. Please follow “Resonance” on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram for more information in the coming days, and mark your calendars for the inaugural episode of “Resonance” on October 9th! We can’t wait to share these inspiring conversations with you and hope you’ll join us on this exciting new journey.

Talk to you soon,


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